Saturday, August 31, 2019
History of 5 Bowen Road Essay
Look at any old photo of pre-1950 Hong Kong and the hillsides above the city were dotted with handsome verandah type homes like this one. From the Mid-levels up to The Peak, every successful European merchant, official, compradore or trader scrambled to put up a mansion befitting their perceived status in colonial society. This home was built in 1914 by the property company, Hongkong Land Investment and Agency Company Ltd. Its Devonian name ’Iddesleigh’ (pronounced ‘Idslee’) derived from the origins of its occupant, A Mr. Mowbray Stafford Northcote secretary of the Hongkong Land Investment and Agency Company, who was an honorary correspondent to the magazine ‘Devonia’ and was related to the Earl of Iddesleigh. In common with many structures which were built on Hong Kong’s precipitous hillsides, the house stands on a handsome, terraced granite base. When built, the house would have had sweeping views across the harbour and its verandahs would have been open to the elements. Three-storey building built in neo-classical style, Corinthian columns, bow arch, decorated with carved eaves and rich ornate interior decoration, showing the lofty building owner socioeconomic status. The top of the building facade reflects its ornate pediment architectural style influenced by the Baroque. During the Japanese Occupation (1942-1945), this building was requisitioned as the home for the Japanese Imperial Naval commander. After liberation at the end of the Second World War, the house was occupied by the Royal Navy and it would later become the official residence of the senior RN officer in Hong Kong, the Commodore-in-Charge and has been better known as the â€Å"Commodore’s House†since 1952. In 1979, the building was handed over to the Hong Kong Government. In 1990, the building was allocated for charity Mother’s Choice Baby Nursing and residential special child care centers.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Hantavirus: National Park Service and Popular Camping Site
Hantavirus It seems that the there has been an outbreak of a rare, deadly virus called the Hantavirus in Yosemite National Park. According to the article, there has been an outbreak of hantavirus infections in Curry Village, a popular camping site in Yosemite, and that two people have already died from it. However, this isn’t the first time the hantavirus has spread. In 1993, the virus had been first discovered when a terrifying outbreak unfolded in the Four Corners Area of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah.The fatality rate was incredibly highâ€â€killing about half the people it infected. But, what exactly is the Hantavirus? The Hantavirus causes a disease called hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, which can kill an infected within just 10 days. Researchers have learned that the hantavirus is spread by the wastes and saliva of deer mice, whose population in Yosemite is bigger than usual this year.Over the 20 years since the virus has been discovered, experts have been ab le to learn more about the disease thus making them better at saving lives, but not that much better. Currently, there is no official cure. With that being said, I believe that this article was published to alert people about the hantavirus. It’s obvious that the hantavirus is extremely fatal and sneaky, for its symptoms are similar to those of harmless illnesses. People need to be notified to be cautious of their health.It might be in Yosemite for now, but modern technology gives us humans the ability to travel great distances. Although there has been a recent outbreak, I do not think the hantavirus is or will ever be an epidemic. This is because I think that us humans are more than capable to stop the spread of this virus. I remember reading about the SARS outbreak that originated in China a couple of years ago. The CDC and the World Health Organization were immediately put into action as soon as it was found to have hit North America.Flights were grounded, travel within bo rders was locked, and only around 40 people died in the entire continent. Also, I believe that this is the way we can fix this problem, almost like how they fixed the SARS outbreak. We should restrict travel to and from Yosemite so that the spread radius is minimized. Then, we should thoroughly study the virus and develop a cure. Unlike SARS, the cause of hantavirus infections is no longer a mystery. I believe that experts can cure the virus in just a few weeks if this is process is followed.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Dolls House Essay -- A Dolls House Essays
Ibsen said that his mission in life was to â€Å"Inspire individuals to freedom and independence†which was shown throughout the play A Doll House. Since he wrote modern theatre, the characters were real and audiences could relate to them. He particularly questioned the role of men and women during his time. Ibsen used A Doll House to motivate women so they would seek more power and freedom in their relationships. Audiences could then look up to characters such as Nora and Mrs Linde whom were independent, some what ahead of their times. Ibsen’s purpose was to not only to enlighten women of their unfair status but also to make the men understand women are much smarter than what they think. His goal was to change these attitudes of all humans so equality could be reached. By 1878-79, when A Doll House was written, women’s rights had become a burning issue. People such as John Stuart Mill who wrote The Subjection of Women (1869) were one of the first to raise these issues and could be seen as an early feminist. They raised question as to whether the female role was fair. Before then, women were very submissive and had little opportunities. They were unable to have a job and were expected to do household duties and take care of the children. Men were the dominant ones but the women knew no different. For the few who could see this inequality, they were seen as ‘unfeminine’ as they were thinking for themselves, which is something only a man would do. Ibsen would be on their sides and tried to express that it was all right, through his characters. Nora plays upon her innocence and helplessness at the beginning to achieve things, being the typical stereotype of women in this time. â€Å"Oh, please, stand up for themselves. They were unlike the stereotype in which women were made into and took responsibility for their actions. The play would make people think and discuss these roles of men and women and even question the values of society. Ibsen hoped he would make women realise they deserve a choice as to whether they want to marry and to be equal with men. Bibliography Mills, John Stuart 1860, The Subjection of Women, Prometheus Books, New York â€Å"Ibsen- woman’s rights†2005, 24/04/05 â€Å"A Doll House- Ibsen†2005'sHouse/themeanalysis.html 24/04/05 â€Å"Woman’s right and roles†2005 24/04/05 â€Å"Woman’s Liberation, Ibsen†2005 html 24/04/05
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Pathways to entry into the practice of professional nursing is Essay
Pathways to entry into the practice of professional nursing is confusing - Essay Example I strongly believe that these numerous entry points are not confusing, but they offer a range of benefits to nursing candidates. When there are many entry points to the practice of professional nursing, candidates get a great exposure to several potential entry choices. The numerous entry points greatly assist students to choose the most appropriate one by giving specific focus to their long term career goals, opportunities for college entrance, and personal and work obligations. These options are also beneficial for candidates to choose the most affordable entry point and avoid excess financial burden. To illustrate, as Black (2013, p. 134) purports, typically the annual cost of diploma and associate degree programs is less than baccalaureate degree programs. Those candidates who choose to attend local schools and live at home may incur lesser costs than students attending schools at distance and living in hostels. Hence, they can thoughtfully identify the entry point that would best fit to their financial interests. Another potential benefit is that students can take the issues of accreditation and articula tion into account while considering entry choice. Similarly, the emerging entry points address various issues associated with traditional entry points, and therefore students can avoid unnecessary concerns associated with their entry into the nursing profession. To sum up, the numerous entry points do not cause any confusion to students who have a clear vision of their long term career goals and financial potentials. Maneval, R. E & Teeter, M. M. (2010). THE STUDENT PERSPECTIVE on RN-Plus-10 Legislation: A Survey of Associate Degree and Diploma Nursing Program Students. Nursing Education Perspectives 31 (6): 358-361. Raines, F & Taglaireni, M. E. (2008). Career Pathways in Nursing: Entry Points and Academic Progression. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Retrieved from
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Diversity & inclusion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Diversity & inclusion - Research Paper Example American legislation has shown progressive development in the past few decades when it comes to children with special needs. One of the major transformations taken by legislation was from The Education for All Handicapped Children act to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. All these changes and development have ensured that individuals with special needs are provided with all the necessary support they require from society and state in order to have access to appropriate education. The main focus of this law is to ensure that special emphasis is put on individuals instead of their disability and state provides them with all the sources required for education either in a public schools or any other facility under individualized education programs. These individualized programs require extensive evaluation in order to ascertain disability of the child, and referrals of IEP teams. According to Gargiulo (2006), "The journey from referral to assessment to the development of an IE P and eventual placement in the most appropriate environment is a comprehensive process incorporating many different phases (p. 59). All these phases are outlined by IDEA (2004) and have been made broader in order to include needs of children with disability, their parents and teachers with a goal to ensure that these children have all the opportunities to acquire education from the inception. 2. Key Components of ‘The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142) 1975’ ... b) Non-discriminatory Identification and Evaluation With the help of this clause, necessary protection was provided to children with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The mandate ensured that misidentification of students with special needs is refrained and placement of children in special education programs is just. For this purpose, assessment is performed in child’s primary language, conducted by qualified professionals, customized to examine specific areas requiring attention, consist of at least two procedures, should reflect non-discrimination against any disability and a multidisciplinary team proficient in child’s disability is involved in the administration of this assessment (â€Å"Current Legislation†, n.d). c) Individualized Education Program (IEP) An education program should be designed for children with identified disability with the help of a team called IEP team (comprising of professionals, parents and other personnel) who would annually develop or update such programs (â€Å"Current Legislation†, n.d). d) Least Restrictive Environment This provision indicates that necessary effort should be made to ensure that children who are disabled should be educated with children having no disability until unless this educational setting does not meet the needs of every child. e) Due Process This mandate allows parents to contest educational provisions and disability programs designed for their children. Hence, multiple rights are provided to parents for reviewing educational provisions before and after placement of their child. f) Parental Participation This mandate allows parents to participate in placement and IEP development along with evaluation regarding children’s progress
Monday, August 26, 2019
Operation Mangement (forcasting) Research Paper
Operation Mangement (forcasting) - Research Paper Example Due to the fact that many managers are always eager to match the supply of commodities with their demands, it is therefore very important for them to forecast on the amount of space required for the supply to the demands. Chapter three explains several methods of forecasting that helps managers to make future predictions for the purpose of improving the operations of the company. In this context, we are going to focus on six issues that include; managing, finance, strategy, operations statistics and data. Under the topic of operation management, I chose two articles that relates to the main topic. These articles are; ` the Competing analytics` that belong to the Harvard business review and `Supply Chain Management review`. Both articles are very interesting to read as they try to share some common features though some are different. The articles also provide the clients with basic business information in relation to operation management. The competing analytics reflects on various subtopics such as strategies and quantitative forecasts, exemplars of analytics, the analytics and financial performance and finally, the distinctive capability. The article of Supply and Chain Management has the following subtopics: the selection of articles, the inter-rater reliability and review process, the classification framework and the strategy used, research methods and statistics, result and the data, industry sector, definitional issues, framing of SMC and discipline bases. Since there are two mai n forecasting methods; the qualitative and quantitative forecasting method, this paper mainly reflects on the qualitative forecasting method. This method consists of human judgment, subjective, opinions and it is non mathematical. At the end, the similarities and differences between the two articles, lessons learnt and conclusion. Harvard Business Review The main goal that Harvard Business Review intends to achieve is to be the best source of ideas that are very new in the market to enable different personalities to lead, create, lead and transform businesses. Judgmental forecasting method that involves the sales-force opinions, executive opinions and consumer survey was used. The HBR was founded in the year 1992 and has managed to become the world`s preeminent magazine in terms of management, publishing cutting-edge and authoritative thinking on important issues that face the executives. The HBR articles cover several topics that are relevant to different industries, geographical l ocations and management functions. All the HBR articles focus on areas such as management, finance, operations, strategy, negotiation, leadership and organizational change. This enables the HBR articles to relate to the operation management (forecasting) that also deals with management, operations and organizational change. In addition to that, the articles share common characteristics such that all of them are written for senior managers. The writing is done by the experts who have experience in the field of writing and their work has already been studied and analyzed. The ideas that are presented in the article can be put in to action due to the fact that they have already been tested in the business world and have successfully worked. When evaluating a given idea from the article, the editors always focus on the things that might
Sunday, August 25, 2019
English Language Learner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
English Language Learner - Essay Example The learners sit two-by-two because two desks have been joined together. This arrangement makes the learner comfortable enough to be in the classroom and learn effectively (Emmer & Evertson, 2009). The classroom decor are appropriate for the level of the learners. There are boards on the classroom walls where charts containing useful information for the learners have been pinned up for them to see at any time. According to Evertson and Emmer (2009), this also aids in teaching and learning because the learners are able to internalize the most important concepts that help them understand what they are taught. The classroom discussion taking place is very effective because the teacher is involving the class in the teaching and learning process. The learners have been given the opportunity to participate in the classroom activities because the teacher is delegating them to answer the questions being asked in the classroom. Miller, Linn and Gronlund (2009), note that participative learnin g is an effective teaching strategy which the teacher is using in this case. The individual student work time is also appropriate because as seen in the video, the teacher is assigning students from each side of the class a question to answer. Students are called upon to go to the front of the classroom and answer the questions that are being asked (Slavin, 2006). ... The teacher is generally asking questions and the students are volunteering to answer these questions. After the students have answered the questions, the teacher further elaborates that answers so that all the students can understand what is being taught. Question and answer method is an effective instructional method because it gives the students a chance to say what they know and be corrected in case they go wrong (Jones & Jones, 2010). The teacher is also using participatory learning by giving the students a chance to participate in the learning process. The teacher asks the children to come in front of the classroom and answer the questions that have been asked. In addition to the participatory learning, the teacher is also using direct instruction by providing information that the students need to know (Jones & Jones, 2010). C). The students appear to be very interested in the type of instructions being given by the teacher. The students seem to be pleased with the way the teac her is conducting the lesson. The teacher has taken into consideration the response of the audience and the contentment with the instructions is seen in the way the students are volunteering to answer the questions being asked by the teacher (Slavin, 2006). Almost all the students in the classroom volunteer to answer the questions being asked because almost all of them lift their hands up when the teacher asks who will answer each question she asks (Miller, Linn and Gronlund, 2009). The teacher is seen to catch the attention of the students by being audible enough and using a language that is simple and easy to understand. For this reason, the students actively participate in the lesson and show their willingness to learn by actively answering the questions being asked (Slavin,
Parenting Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Parenting Styles - Essay Example â€Å"†¦..cause-and-effect links between specific actions of parents and later behavior of children is very difficult. Some children raised in dramatically different environments can later grow up to have remarkably similar personalities. Conversely, children who share a home and are raised in the same environment can grow up to have astonishingly different personalities than one another.†(Baumrind, 1978) A boy returned from school with a note that stated that the boy was a slow learner and therefore had to quit school. The options were to plead to the school, change the school or a private tutor. The mother dismissed all options and became the boy’s tutor. For years’ with great skill and angelic patience she taught her son- the slow learner. Later this slow learner had several inventions to his credit- Thomas Alva Edison for his mother taught him the fundamentals. Albert Schweitzer stated that parenting is like using on burning candle to light several others; the first does not loose its brilliance. Would a son respect and obey his father who exhorts him to be honest, but will not give up his dishonest ways? Will a daughter admire her mother who chides her for not being discreet and guarded in her speech, when she herself is talkative and constantly faulting others? Parents insist that children obey the fourth commandment to honor parents but they should make a greater effort to be worthy of that honor. This does not mean that parents have to be perfect. As long as the children see the parents as heaven-ward looking, down to earth role models, then children would live up to one’s expectations. Why do well meaning parents end up disappointed? Parenting is a journey. The bottom line is the only way to raise a decent child is by being a decent human being. All parents wish to raise happy and smart children
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Design (art and craft) innovation in Pakistan textile Literature review
Design (art and craft) innovation in Pakistan textile - Literature review Example The university standards in Pakistan are low and require reevaluation. By equipping the nation with skills in design and innovation especially for the textile industry. It is important that the standards be of international level. The review points out the factors that are marked in the development of an industrial field in arts and crafts. It takes a comparison in varying continents. It explains the benefits that were taken up by countries in pursuit of innovation in industrialization including social security, financial freedom, cultural identity and superior education purpose. Ahmad notes that culture was the beginning drive of the fashion world. The development of the arts and craft education system, spark a wave of industrialization. Increased production over the years was due to increase in consumption levels. The competition aspect set in and advertisement played as propellant to market reach. Fashion was then marketed to increase consumption levels and increase industry sales. They used radio, television, and now the internet. The article reviews values of art and craft as contributed by education. It analyses roles of a professional and students in the field of textile. The document notes the importance of creativity and innovation as a key tool in the field Pakistan has invested in education though to some extent still lag behind. It is important to have education systems where transfer of knowledge takes place. Practical approach to the evaluation and study of arts is a key factor for success. The incorporation of practicals and self-will to achieve desired skills is important for a student and nation at large. It has contributed to the evolution of fresh ideas while maintaining the foundation of arts and craft design. Moreover, higher institution have tried to standardise education in order to meet international levels. The current state of textile industries is
Friday, August 23, 2019
Behaviorist and Learning Aspects of Personality Research Paper
Behaviorist and Learning Aspects of Personality - Research Paper Example Extinction is a characteristic of classical conditioning in which the association between the stimulus and learned response is weakened every time the stimulus (triangle) is presented without the associated unconditioned stimulus (loud noise). However, the persistence of learned fear makes it unlikely that it will dissipate over time due to the self-strengthening mechanism described above. To treat learned fear and phobias, extinction must usually be employed in a behavioral therapy paradigm. A process known as systematic desensitization is one of the most successful and commonly used procedures for treating phobias. These intense and irrational fears can take many forms (fear of dogs, snakes, open spaces, cheese) and are quite resistant to natural extinction effects. Along with the self-sustaining theory, phobias may retain their power because people tend to do everything they can to avoid the eliciting stimulus. Extinction cannot occur without exposure to the stimulus. Systematic d esensitization addresses these issues directly. In order to allow extinction to occur, systematic desensitization ensures exposure to the unpaired conditioned stimulus, but does so in a gradual manner to minimize the fear response and eliminate self-sustainment of the phobia. The process is carried out in three parts (Foa, 2010). First, a fear hierarchy is constructed, listing situations related to the phobia in increasing intensity of discomfort. Next, the patient is trained in progressive relaxation (or deep muscle relaxation). This training will allow the patient to induce a state of calm through relaxation of specific muscle groups. Achieving the intended level of calm takes about twenty minutes, after which exposure to the fear-eliciting stimulus can begin. The typical fear hierarchy is made up of 10 to 15 steps, and begins with the least fear-evoking scenario that was established in the first step of systemic desensitization. The patient is instructed to imagine the scene, fol lowed by a pause where the patient is told to use the relaxation technique that was learned in step two. This process is repeated until the patient reports no fear to the scenario. At this point, the next situation in the hierarchy is confronted. The process can continue, usually through multiple sessions, to gradually extinguish the fear in a step-by-step process (McNally, 2007). The approach can be augmented to use humor instead of relaxation in the second step, or by implementing virtual reality technology to assist with realism and precision. Modeling is an alternative approach to treating phobias or fears that are the result of conditioning. In this technique, patients watch a model (usually on video) that is shown interacting with the fear-causing stimulus. The intensity of the scene is increased as the patient observes. According to modeling theory, the likelihood of performing an act increases when a model is observed doing that act. Observing a model gradually influences th e subject to partake in activities that involve their phobias, leading to the extinction of the fear. This approach has several advantages to systematic desensitization. The video aspect is more appropriate for young patients who may not be able to use their imagination properly and requires less instructor time. References Foa, E. B. (2010). Cognitive behavioral therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dialogues in Clinical Neurosciences, 12(2), 199-207. McNally, R. J.,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Inspector in Act 1 Essay Example for Free
The Inspector in Act 1 Essay Consider the dramatic importance of the entrance of the Inspector in Act 1 and his exit in Act 3Â Although the inspector does not enter until a while into the play, it is clear that his presence will shock the Birling family. The play is set in a house of a reasonable middle upper class family. The familys attire is very formal and displays to the audience the familys wealth. The entrance of the inspector brings a massive amount of dramatic irony and his entrance is immensely important to the views Priestley is trying to portray in the play. Likewise his exit lulls the family into a false sense of security. A sense of security that is promptly removed from them. The play is set in 1912,however it was written in 1945. Therefore Priestley uses the power of retrospect to plant clever irony throughout the play. I believe Priestley had a didactic purpose to tell a moral story as a product of the play. The props used are that of a typical wealthy household from the early twentieth century, however Priestley gives these normal objects a lot more emphasis. Birling is an extremely pompous and arrogant character. He has strong beliefs and is clearly not easily swayed in his views. It is obvious Birling has worked hard for his wealth and is excessively proud of his status in current society. Birling also stresses this numerous times to all the characters he is involved in dialogue with right through the play, For example I was lord mayor two years ago. The audience is shown immediately that Birling is a very proud person; Priestley uses dialogue to impact this on the audience. Birling basks in his high social status and is elated at the fact that his daughter is marrying above them, another building block for Birlings oversized ego. Birling also imposes long, drawn out speeches on the audience that turn out to be completely contradicted throughout the play. Birlings assumptions are proved to be wrong and things he thought would be an unrealistic joke actually become reality. For example, I gather theres a very good chance of a knighthood, so long as we behave ourselves. A typical example of how Birling is contradicted on a large scale as the play unfolds. The play is constructed very precisely; almost everything that comes from Birlings mouth is eventually reduced to nothing. Another good example is Birlings views on war nobody wants war he claims. Whereas both Priestley and the audience are fully aware that war does occur. Bringing with it more irony and adding to Priestleys constant mockery of Birling. Previous to the inspectors entrance, the atmosphere in the Birling household is highly warm, celebratory and comfortable. The family is celebrating a successful engagement that will result in the Birlings furthering their status. Birling is feeling confident and therefore he makes some smug, pompous speeches to his family. Almost everything he says is false in retrospect. Irony is increased, as Birling gives Eric and Gerald a speech on how to live their lives, the audience are aware that Birling should definitely not preach about this subject. The dramatic impact of the doorbell is immense and plays a huge role in the play as it interrupts a typical Birling lecture, symbolising the end of Birling being Top dog.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The diary of Francis Seyton Essay Example for Free
The diary of Francis Seyton Essay One year hath passed, twelve months I have endured the backstabbing treachery of these troubled times, which are strange beyond all comprehension, and I but a humble servant am trapped inside a conflict of conscience and valour. Many things, all alien to me have I seen or heard, my mind is in turmoil should I believe what I see? Merely a week ago brave king Macbeth was pronounced unwell. When attending a banquet he was suggesting the iniquitous and muttering words dictated by Satan in a disturbing manner. Who would have thought? The king himself. When Macbeth was crowned I swore allegiance to him and his cause. Am I a servant of the devil? I fear so. My fears were accentuated when the most tragic and appalling incident transpired. For many weeks a doctor had been attending to lady Macbeth after a maid requested her attention as she was worried for the ladys well being. I was not informed of the reasoning behind the calling of the doctor but rumours were rife. With my mind a drift believing was not necessarily seeing and therefore I could not confirm any of the circulating gossip, which could so easily be false but just as easily true. I chose to postulate the rumour, actually closer to conspiracy theory of Macbeth and lady Macbeths plot to replace Duncan whether through fair play or not to become of a royal stature, influenced by satanical forces, which will eventually lead them to exasperation. I noticed lady Macbeths rather mystifying ritual of rubbing her hands together religiously as if to be washing the, scrubbing them of her sins to a degree, I passed her chamber a few days ago to hear her say: Heres the smell of blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand, oh, oh, oh! Foul whisperings were abroad, unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles; infected minds to their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets. With this and other accumulating evidence I put two and two together and came to a conclusion. Later that night I could not rest. A battle was underway in the depths of my mind, a bloody uproar against my murderous master. I could imagine only one way to rid me of the turbulent dreams distracting my sleep, to confront the demonic Queen and question her righteousness. I dressed myself in my finest robes, brilliant gold buttons and glistening silver laces, if I were to die tonight I would rather depart this ominous place presentably with self respect. I approached the chamber door, breathing erratically like the waves at sea in the most ferocious storm, crashing into my hull, untameable. The door lays ahead dare I go forth? I approach the point of no return, when I must pass through the gates of hell and conquer the foul creature Cerberus, Satans servant. The carvings on the door seem alive, the writhing serpents spitting venom, intimidating, driving me away. But I must prevail, I thrust forward grinding my teeth, clenching my fists, a raging sweat takes over my body, the adrenaline driving me toward. I fight back the serpents and place my hand on the chamber door. It is locked. I hear crying from within the room, which quietens down to a feeble murmur. I draw back and knock on the door, once, no reply, twice, silence, thrice, a blood curdling scream! Terror shoots through my veins like a galloping horse. Oh suck on my chocolate salty balls! Quickly I delve deep into my pocket and grasp my keys. Nervously I struggle to search through the brace and locate the key. Finally after what seemed like hours I set my hands on the key, and inserted it into the mortise lock. The key turned, another scream echoed through the corridor further emphasising my trepidation. I fear what lies ahead, could this be the end of my short-lived existence. I summon the curraige from the depths of my heart and continue to open the now unlocked door, the final stand lies ahead, I worry gravely but I know I must go forth. Upon opening the door I see nothing, darkness and the only thing I fear more is the light for what it may bring. Quietness now blankets the room an eerie darkness sends fear into the roots of my soul. I reach for the torch in the corner of the room, extinguished, sharing the same fate as lady Macbeth I fear. With my flint and tinderbox I strike and send a revealing light across the room. To my surprise I see the queen sat at her mirror, staring as if in a trance, vacant of reality. Preceding forward I notice makeup scattered over the floor, in a trail all the way to her seat. Looking at the mirror I see her reflection, a ruined figure with a pathetic look and makeup smudged by tears. I stop and ask myself have I the audacity to question her, I see her hurting I have reservations of whether I am insensitive enough. No, I cannot. Hoping I am unnoticed I turn, face the door and begin to walk away, regretting every stupid thought that entered my head, who am I to dispute the Queen? A mere Ill educated servant. My stupidity astounds me. I hear a sharp slicing sound from within the room, like the edge my razor, cutting the cheek as I shave in the morning, a sound that sends shivers through my spine. I turn and run towards the queen, I hear her wheezing through a self-inflicted mortal wound, leaking air, spewing blood in her throat, I hear her life escaping and quickly grasp her hand preventing her from falling from her chair. I hear her faint gargled voice trying to break through, drowning in her own blood. Tears begin to well in my eyes and a scream bursts forth from my mouth like a wolfs cry. Slowly the life in her escapes, she lies coughing, choking and I am helpless, unable to assist, I feel so worthless, where is help? For an eternity I stand with the queen dying in my arms. Blood covers the room in a viscous sheet, dark red, shining like a sheet of silk. I see the knife glinting in the dull light, blood stained on the floor, and the makeup on the queens face is ruined, ironic, what is on the outside has become what was on the inside, a broken woman. I hear footsteps, too late. As the queen draws her last breaths servants run into the room. They stand and stare at the bloody wreck of the queen and they too begin to cry, with their hands on their hearts, looking towards the floor it is obvious they are too late. Then without warning she exhales, her whole body becomes limp from head to toe, she is dead. I lift her from the chair and place her on her bed. I cannot stand to look at her pretty face stained with blood so I lift up the white sheet covering her bed and place it over her body. One of my colleagues faints and collapses on the floor, obviously overcome by the horror that fills the room. I know that eventually I must leave and give the disparaging news to my master; I fear he will not take it kindly.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Sociological perspectives on deviance
Sociological perspectives on deviance The term deviance is used by sociologists to refer to behaviour which changes, in some way, from a social norm. In this respect, it is clear that the idea of deviance refers to a violation of social norms and refers to rule breaking behaviour. Deviance refers to those actions which go against the norms, values and beliefs of ordinary culture. For example, drinking alcohol at the age of 16. In relation to deviance, the idea relates to all kinds of rule-breaking which involves such things as murder, theft, rape or wearing unsuitable clothing for a given social situation. Many sociologists have given their own definition of deviance. Some sociologist conceive of deviance as a collection of conditions, persons or acts that society disvalue (Sagarin, 1975, 9) There are various perspectives in Sociology such as the functionalist theories and Karl Marxist theories which asks different questions and focuses on different issues regarding deviance. In order to answer the question above it is n ecessary to outline and discuss the sociological perspectives on deviance. I will be discussing the main perspectives of deviance throughout sociology. Functionalism is defined as a Framework that conceptualises society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability (Macionis and Plummer, 1997. p. 19-20).Functionalism has grown through the work of many sociologists including Durkheim and later on by Brown and Merton, The works of these sociologists was based on a biological scientific model called organic system-comparison of social operations to that of a living organism (Giddens, 2001.16) Functionalist theorists, including Durkheim, state crime as having a social role. Others, including Merton, state the strain between socialized aims and reality as the true cause of crime. Functionalist Emile Durkheim believed that societies are held together by shared values and economic dependence. He thinks that society would crumple if principles are not passed from one generation to another. A vital function of society is the preservation of its values, which is done through education and religion. The concept of anomie was introduced by Emile Durkheim which suggested that In modern societies, traditional norms and standards become undermined without being replaced by new ones. (Giddens, 2009, 941). This is the breakdown of society, and will lead to social disorder, deviance and violence. Durkheim also argues that deviance is useful and necessary in society. It helps to strengthen the consensus of values, norms and behaviour of the majority non-deviant population, through the idea of anger at crime which reinforces social solidarity. Other theorists, including Erikson who argues that influential groups within any society are able to impose their views upon the maj ority by a process of ideological manipulation. The excitement generated by the crime quickens the tempo of interaction in a group and creates a climate in which the private sentiments of many people are fused into a common sense of morality.(Bean, 2003, 24). However, Robert Merton criticised Durkheims idea of anomie as being unclear. Merton argued that anomie is a state where the socially approved goals of society are not available to a significant amount of the population if they followed socially approved means of obtaining these goals. According to Merton, people turned to deviance in this state because there is anxiety between what people have socialised to want and what they are able to achieve through legitimate means. Robert Merton, who also accepted the view of functionalists who believed that society, must have certain features to survive. He argues that both goals and constraints on behaviour are socially based, and that desires are socially copied, from socialisation, into cultural goals such as work-related status or financial achievement. Mertons theory on deviance, which is known as the Strain Theory, is a development of Durkheims ideas of anomie and culture. Anomie, in Mertons perspective, can occur when people are not capable to follow the main norms within a society.Some individuals adapt by becoming ritualises, conforming to society norms without any expectations of achieving them. (Clinard, 2001, 5) Merton argues that individuals are socialized into wanting success, wealth, status and power. When they are unable to achieve this, it results in a strain between what we want, and what we can get. One possible response to the strain theory is deviance through innovation (deviant and crimin al behaviour resulting to crime), retreatism (backing out of socially desirable behaviour, for example, alcoholics, drug addicts), Ritualism (ignoring goals of society) and rebellion (rejection of goals and means, but an attempt to replace them with alternative values). Mertons analysis on deviance suggests that deviant behaviour is efficient. First, for the people involved, it allows them to adjust to the situation in which they find themselves in. Merton sees these responses as useful to the society as they help to release the anxiety, therefore maintain the social system stability. However, Merton was criticised by Valier, amongst others, for his importance on the continuation of a common goal in society. Valier argues that there are a range of goals that people struggle to attain at any one time Feminist approach have also criticised functionalism for not explain on conflict, also not considering it to be an integral part of the social world (Dominelli, 1997. p.17). Feminist also argues that this supports and explains structures which have a tendency to be male dominated and in so ignoring the past and women contributions to the society. In conclusion, it can be argued that Functionalist theories do certainly go a long distance in justifying the reasons for Deviance. However, it is overly deterministic in the view of society and the way in which it shapes and forms human behaviour. However, it should argued that Functionalist theories are useful in explaining and deviance, In terms of civil theories or triangulation and procedural pluralism to stable out the problems and challenges linked with Functionalist theory. Sub cultural theories on deviance were developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s from the Albert Cohen and Richard Cloward. They stressed that people respond to forces which are outside to them. This therefore leads them to behave in different ways. Their behaviour is explained by social causes. Sub cultural theorists have tried to seek the causes of these differences. Subculture theories claim to have recognized break downs in the social order. These break downs are seen to be rectifiable by dissimilar types of social engineering e.g. Social reform, social welfare and education. According to interactionist theories of deviance, they make fundamental ideas of deviance in terms of there being no such as deviant act. They place firm importance on reaction. Interactionist put forward useful idea such as labelling, self-fulfilling prophecy, and mortification and primary and secondary deviance. They are significant of the functionalist and subculture theories of deviance. Interactionists argue that human action is original. Humans create roles in relation to and adjustment to others. American Sociologist Edwin Lemert, argues that public reaction is a cause of deviance. Lemert starts by explaining between primary and secondary deviance. Primary deviance is deviance before it is openly labelled; it has a number of likely causes and is not worth looking at given that the samples are unfair and it has no impact on the individual, therefore it does not strain status or activities. The general factor among deviants, argues Lemert, is the process of labelling. The public response to the deviant leads to secondary deviance, the response of the deviant to public labelling. Lemert claims that secondary deviance should be the focal point of study because of its result on the individual. The vital idea is that societal reaction can in fact cause deviant behaviour. The Labelling theorists are another approach in sociology which views the point of seeing deviance from the view of the deviant individual. They claim that when a person becomes known as a deviant, and is expected to have deviant behaviour, it is to do with the way they have been labelled, as the deviant act they are said to have committed. The labelling theory realises that certain acts labelled as deviant are more than likely to be carried out by certain types of people. If society labels a person as a criminal or as deviant there is much evidence that this label sticks with the person to the extent that he believes that they are deviant. So to satisfy society they carry out the role of a deviant to the degree that they are fitting in with what they observe is their role in life or in the society. This makes a great impact on their life, as they need someone to help them to see that they are not deviant or a criminal. If a person becomes a criminal then society need to recognise this and help the person to overcome this, by offering support or counselling to make it aware to the person that this behaviour is not acceptable and if they continue it will lead to them not achieving. However the main criticism of labelling theory is that it is deterministic, and that it makes the person as if they were not human, which then leads to certain behaviour by the act of labels being given to it, and following behaviour patterns as a result of behaviour patterns that go with it.. The Marxist approach has been one of the most vital approaches in explaining deviant behaviour. They mostly base their ideas and theories on how the powerful people control the society which influences how the society works today. The definition of deviance from a Marxist perspective is a conflict between powerful and less powerful groups. Definitions of deviance then emerge from class conflicts between powerful groups and less powerful groups. (Clinard, 2002, 118) Marxists believes that working class males of a younger age commit most crime mainly due to the media which emphasize ideas of greed into people. Therefore, results in a materialistic capitalist system that may force working people of a lower class to commit crime as they have a lower income and may not be able to afford certain equipment such as clothes like the rest of the society. Marxism criticizes a capitalist society where by the productions are owned by the ruling class and the lower class. The bourgeoisie are the ruling class, whilst the proletariats are seen as the lower class. The bourgeoisie act as a societies ruling class. The proletariats, on the other hand, fill the ranks of the ruled end of society. (Clinard and Meier, 2008, 77) The idea of deviance came when Marx attempted to look for something in the world that caused conflicts. He found it in the idea of class struggle. Throughout the past, we have fought against each other for the control of food, shelter, money. Marxists mainly focus on the class distribution and empathises that the ruling class control the norms and values of the society. Therefore, it will not be classed as deviant unless the bourgeoisie say so. The bourgeoisie will only class deviant unless it is committed by a working class person. However, the Marxist approach in terms of explaining deviant behaviour is only consistent to some degree. Along with the challenges from other perspectives, it shows that improvements can be added to their ideas. Marxists mostly focuses on the class distribution and argue that they the ruling class manage the norms and values of the society. It will not be classed as deviant if the bourgeoisie say so and they will not say so if a working class person commits it. Finally In conclusion to sociological perspectives of deviance, they all give an account of some explanation to deviance and give their point of view. However, it varies depending on the various approaches. For an act to be thought to as deviance it varies from place to place and from time to time
Monday, August 19, 2019
Attitudes of Men in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman :: free essay writer
The Yellow Wall Paper: Attitudes of Men I feel that The Yellow Wall Paper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman was written as a response to the attitudes of men and male physicians toward women during this time period. Gilman experienced the ordeal the woman narrator went through and in the introduction it states, "Gilman consulted the prominent nerve specialist Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, and underwent his famous 'rest cure'--a regimen of total bed rest, confinement, and isolation" (p. 799). The woman narrator was also isolated in one room with only the yellow wall paper. I feel that this type of confinement led her to become delirious and she stepped over the boundary to insanity. She sees that "the faint figure behind seemed to shake the pattern, just as if she wanted to get out" (p. 806). The woman in the wall paper is the narrator herself trying to break free from a male dominated society. This point of a male dominated society relates back to her husband, who is in fact a doctor, who is ordering her to take total bed rest. She does not have any choice but to listen to her doctor husband.   The yellow wall paper has imprisoned her in this room. I feel that the wall paper is a symbol of a male dominated society. At first she absolutely hates it and then as she slips farther and farther out of reality, it grows on her: "This paper looks to me as if it knew what a vicious influence it had!" (p. 803). The smell of the room itself is a symbol of male dominance: "It [the smell] is not bad--at first, and very gentle, but quite the subtlest, most enduring odor I ever met" (p. 809).    Gilman experienced this male domination first hand. "Returning home, her attempt to follow Mitchell's advice, which was to devote herself to domestic work and her child, [and] severely limit any intellectual work . . . almost drove her to the brink of 'utter mental ruin'" (p. 799). By doing so, she had to succumb to what the doctor had ordered. To give in to such orders and give up a passion of yours is humiliating just as the woman creeping by daylight is humiliating (p. 810).   In the story, the woman narrator, had to give in to her husband just as Gilman had done with Dr.
Rhetorical Analysis Essay -- Argumentative Essays Rhetoric
Rhetorical Analysis In a persuasive essay, rhetorical appeals are a very important tool to influence the audience toward the author’s perspective. The three rhetorical appeals, which were first developed by Aristotle, are pathos, logos, and ethos. Pathos appeals to the emotions of the audience, logos appeals to the facts or evidence and ethos exhibits the credibility of the writer. William Bennett is a well-respected man in the political world. He served as Secretary of Education and Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities under President Ronald Reagan and Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President George H.W. Bush. His essay entitled â€Å"Leave Marriage Alone,†which was published in Newsweek, June 3, 1996, is a response to an article written by Andrew Sullivan advocating same-sex marriage. Using rhetorical analysis I will determine whether or not this essay is effective and why. Bennett is a conservative republican who is a strong advocate for family values. The purpose of Bennett’s essay is to expose the downside of Andrew Sullivan’s argument in favor of same-sex marriage. He wants to persuade those who have read Sullivan’s essay to side with him. His audience seems to be primarily middle-aged heterosexuals who already take his stance on the topic. Bennett’s essay is clear, concise and to the point. He talks about the key issues from the first sentence in the first paragraph. The structure of his essay is deductive, beginning with â€Å"the two key issues that divide proponents and opponents of same sex marriage. The first is weather legally recognizing same-sex unions would strengthen or weaken the instition. The second has to do with the basic understanding of mar... ...etorical appeal will help to expose fallacies in the writers’ own argument. William Bennett has some good arguments but his lack of rhetorical appeal weakens his essay. He writes from the point of view of a bullheaded politician who shows little consideration for his opposition. He exhibits no appeal to emotion and comes off cold and without compassion. He gives no facts or statistics behind his arguments, just generalizations about a group of people it seems he knows very little about. All in all, Bennett’s essay is very feeble because he chose to ignore the literary laws Aristotle founded many centuries earlier. This essay is proof that these laws are truly effective. Works Cited: Gruber, Sibylle, Ed. et al. Constructing Others, Constructing Ourselves. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 2002. Bennett, William. â€Å"Leave Marriage Alone.†Gruber 29-30.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
COLD MOUNTAIN Essay -- essays research papers
COLD MOUNTAIN The story of "Cold Mountain" is a best selling novel and it is the first book written by Charles Frazier. It took years of research before he could write this novel. The plot of Cold Mountain is really and old idea, in fact it is an ancient one. The plot is the same as the one in an ancient book by Homer. The story I am referring to is "The Odyssey". The Odyssey is a book about a wounded soldier trying to find his way back home and his sweetheart, Penelope that is waiting for his return. Cold Mountain is the story of a wounded Confederate soldier that was wounded, deserts, and begins a journey back to his home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Cold Mountain. The plot of the book has two parallel stories. The first part of the plot is about a man named Inman. Inman is a Confederate soldier that is wounded in Virginia and spends several months in a hospital. After sneaking out of the hospital, he starts on his journey back home to his sweetheart, Ada. His odyssey is his long journey back to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. What makes is journey so interesting is the many people he comes in contact with along the way. Some of the people Inman comes in contact with are kind to him. They give him a place to stay and sometimes even a hot meal. Some of the other characters aren't so kind to him. The Civil War is still raging...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Villain, Hero, or Victim?
Katie Parlier Villain, Hero, or Victim? Jay Gatsby is one of America’s most prized antagonists who the reader genuinely wants to believe in but his personae of a hero is falsely presented and admired. Characters are commonly placed in either the hero or villain category, but Gatsby is the exception because he exhibits more qualities of a victim. Gatsby has fallen victimized by Daisy’s guise. During the initial relationship between Daisy and Gatsby in Kentucky, Daisy continues to encourage Gatsby’s affections even though she knows that there is no future with Gatsby.Gatsby is not and will never be aristocratic and in his pursuit of the impossible, Gatsby loses his identity along the way. A victim is defined as a person who has been harmed or tricked, and Gatsby unquestionably falls prey to Daisy’s ability to â€Å"smash up things and creatures and then retreat back into her money or †¦ vast carelessness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Before Gatsby and Daisy even met, Gatsby had set a goal to leave behind his poor roots and create a successful life full of wealth.Gatsby in the summer of 1924 has accomplished exactly that but because of his encounter with Daisy his initial dream changes and becomes further complicated because it now depends on the actions of another person. After Daisy and Gatsby’s month of romance, Gatsby has tacked on the ambition to not only become wealthy and successful for himself, but for the hope that Daisy will acknowledge his prosperity and select Gatsby as her husband. Daisy presents Gatsby with a false sense of hope because she knew all along that money was not enough, she must be involved with an aristocratic society.This fictitious sense of hope causes Gatsby to attain the maximum amount of money in the minimum amount of time; even it is accomplished in unsavory ways. Gatsby is victimized by Daisy’s lies and becomes a criminal just to satisfy Daisy’s needs. His criminal activity caused as a result by Daisy’s actions lead Gatsby into a downward spiral that is recognizable throughout the novel with the endless parties. Now that Gatsby has acquired his great wealth, he decides to attract Daisy by throwing ostentatious parties that attract people like kids flocking to the wonders of a circus.The never ending flamboyant parties become so vast, that the host morphs into a ghostlike entity with his presence known lurking around the parties every once in a while without being recognized as an actual man. Gatsby becomes this grand and mysterious socialite who not known by the own people who visit his house. His personality does not exist for the partygoers, so they have to create their own versions of the great Jay Gatsby. Gatsby does not bother with making friends while he is in West Egg because his only goal is to attract the attention of Daisy.Because he does not socialize, he has lived the life of a hermit creating new ways to fascinate Daisy while Daisy is out living her life without the slightest memory of Gatsby. Daisy does not acknowledge the presence of others unless they are some use to her, and manipulation and deceit towards Gatsby only continues to escalate as the novel progresses. The final victimized act of Gatsby’s life occurs when takes the blame for Daisy’s actions against Myrtle that eventually lead to his death. Just before Daisy’s hits Myrtle with Gatsby’s car, Daisy has chosen to stay with Tom because of Gatsby’s suspicious business practices.However Gatsby still believes that Daisy will come back to him because she never outright admitted to loving Tom. Just like Gatsby and Daisy’s month of love, Daisy is never able to tell Gatsby the truth and completely end her relationship with Gatsby because she likes the power. In both cases Gatsby is presented with the false sense of hope and once again becomes the victim of Daisy’s fun and games. Daisy is too selfish to realize that she is pla ying with someone’s life and her actions could have long term consequences to others.Up until the very end Daisy continues to manipulate Gatsby like an inconsiderate puppet master. She controls the strings of Gatsby’s life, but when things get messy Daisy takes the quickest way out, to remove her fragile societal image from the dubious situation. Daisy’s influence on Gatsby turned him from a strong-willed man who created a destiny to make himself a better man to a disappointed fool who modeled his life actions after the feelings of another. Gatsby has become the ultimate victim to the alluring qualities of a woman and never has the chance to recover.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Ethical Issue: Abortion
ETHICAL ISSUE: ABORTION INTRODUCTION The root question to ethics is whether abortion is considered murder or a justified killing? Is it morally wrong and if so, should it be made legal or illegal? There are mainly 2 views towards abortion. The pro-choice regard abortion as acceptable in some circumstances as women should be given a freedom of choice. Whereas the pro-life regard abortion an absolute act of wrong and should be criminalized. Let us first take a look at various approaches to help us better understand and justify both sides of the argument. RIGHTS APPROACHA pro-choice would argue that women have the rights to her life, body and health. Before abortion was permitted, women will either have to carry their pregnancy to term or desperately seek to abort due to various reasons (eg. health, incest, rape, career), thus resorting to unsafe and life-threatening procedures. However, with access to safe and legal abortions, women will have the basic right of managing their own bodie s and the risk of health will be reduced. One example is an article extracted from the National Organization for Women which mentioned the deaths of women who turned to illegal and unsafe abortions. Refer to Example 1) Besides, women have the rights to liberty and thus have the power to exercise their rights to abortion. In the event a woman needs to continue her employment or meet other obligations, she will not be forced to bear a child against her will which can result in misery as it becomes impossible for her to carry out her duties and obligations in the usual manner. An example is from the New York Times Magazine (LIVES – When One Is Enough). A woman named Amy Richards explains why she decided to go for abortion. (Refer to Example 2) In addition, women have the rights to sovereignty.By allowing abortion, women would not be unjustly forced into motherhood which in turn forces them into submissive roles in society. Thus their rights to livelihood and continuation of educ ation and profession will not be depleted. They can have the potential of being on equal status, dominion and power as men. Under the concept of personhood, it is argued that fetuses are not yet born and are not sentient beings. They do not have the capacity to have experiences (eg. feeling pain) and are not yet reasoning, self-aware beings capable of moral reciprocity.Hence, they do not have a substantial right to life yet. However, I feel that fetuses are considered human beings from conception and thus they should enjoy the full moral status of born human beings. It is said that although fetuses may not be persons yet, they have the potential to become one and thus, fetuses should enjoy basic moral rights to life. Hence, the rights of an unborn should not be compromised against the rights of the mother. UTILITARIAN APPROACH On one hand, it is argued that legalizing abortion diminishes the maternal mortality rate of women within the society.Studies have indicated that after the le galization of abortion, it has resulted in a much lower percentage of maternal death rates due to greater access to safer and legal methods of abortion and timely abortions, thereby reducing the risk of health complications. (Refer to Example 3) Besides, timely abortions can be made. Abortions done in early stages (1st trimester) will greatly reduce the fetus’s suffering compared to later stages where the fetus starts developing into a sentient being (capability to experience suffering).In addition, it can potentially reduce the number of unwanted children. In the cases of rape or physical and mental defects of the unborn child, abortion will be the better alternative to reduce the potential physical and mental suffering the mother feels that her child will possibly face in future. For instance, the child suffers psychologically due to his peers teasing his physical defects. Furthermore, it can help diminish the growth of over-populated areas especially in countries like Sing apore. The New Statesman indicated that â€Å"The world as a whole is overpopulated by 2 billion†.A decrease in population can help to reduce the rate at which natural resources are being used and reduce competition for employment opportunities which results in a higher standard of living. However, I believe banning abortion has its benefits as well. A study revealed that women who had undergone abortions place themselves at a higher death risk than women who give birth. A Finland study revealed a 7 fold increased death rate among aborting women resulting from suicide due to post-abortion distress. Besides, it encourages economic growth.Parents will have to spend financial resources on their child for the purposes of education, clothing and food. Due to the increase in expenditure, demand increases, leading to a rise in supply. The overall effect will lead to an increase in the country’s Gross Domestic Product. Furthermore, it encourages population growth in under-popu lated countries such as Australia. This prevents the excessive exploitation of resources such as food, energy and minerals and helps to better maximize the utility of such resources.In addition, in the event that the mother decides to send her child for adoption due to reasons like being financially handicapped, there will be more opportunities for infertile couples to adopt a child. COMMON GOOD APPROACH On one hand, allowing abortion reduces the overall suffering of unwanted children in the society which; can be due to the inexperience and financial instability of the mother. Some children thus remain in the foster care where a sense of loss and overwhelming rejection is developed.It also gives women the liberty to abort the baby based on their right to privacy as they might not want others to learn about their pregnancy. The US Supreme Court found that women have better mental health when offered abortion as an option. This means children who are born are wanted more by their fami ly and thus they will be able to attain a better welfare and education. In addition, abortion has allowed women to have an opportunity to pursue their life and educational goals which they may not be able to pursue after being a mother.Furthermore, legalizing abortion serves to protect the safety of women as now; many will not turn to illegal abortion but instead seek proper medical aborting procedures. Nonetheless, I feel that banning abortion emphasizes on the importance of responsible contraceptive usage and birth control methods which is crucial to help reduce the occurrence of accidental pregnancy.. According to the National Abortion Federation, 78% of teenage pregnancies are unintended, out of which 35% sought abortion.It also increases the awareness of respect for sex. It is important to understand that a woman is not an â€Å"object†for sexual gratification nor is sex to be abused without regard. Thus, banning abortion stresses on the importance for taking responsibi lity for one’s actions. Furthermore, it helps us to better appreciate human lives. A life of an unborn cannot be undermined to the life of a born human. This teaches us to have compassion and empathy towards any human life. VIRTUE APPROACH By allowing abortion, one of the virtues developed is love.Love leads the mother to abort the baby as she is unconfident of being a good mother to the child, thus she rather not let him live a difficult life in the long run. Self-accountability is also developed as the mother has to face possible consequences that could arise as a result of her abortion. (Eg. Depression, guilt) Besides, courage and fortitude is developed as the mother has to confront the reality of abortion and take courage to accept the responsibility of abortion and its aftermath effects (Eg. post traumatic stress disorder).In addition, resilience is developed in the mother throughout the entire abortion process for having the strength and ability to cope with the reality and effects of abortion. This helps them to move on with their lives instead of being overwhelmed with emotional trauma and setbacks. On the other hand, by banning abortion, it gives the mother determination to carry on her pregnancy despite external factors that may sway her decision such as being a single mother and unconfident of bringing her child up singlehandedly.It also develops self-accountability as one has to responsible for one’s own actions. In addition, courage and fortitude is developed as the mother may have to face possible consequences for taking responsibility for the child such as spending more financial resources for the child’s sake. Impartiality can also be developed as the mother is able to be objective in her views and preserve the life of an innocent despite the fact that her child was the result of rape. Self-sacrifice and selflessness can also be developed as the mother decides to put aside her own needs to keep the child.She may have to qui t her current job and terminate all other obligations even though she might not be mentally prepared to raise a child yet. Fore-sightedness is developed as the mother would have to plan ahead of time to provide her child the best treatment possible. FAIRNESS/JUSTICE APPROACH It is argued that if abortion is allowed, everyone will be given an option to abort regardless whether they want to. Since everyone is given a choice, it is fair as it respects everyone’s individual rights.Since an unborn is only considered human when it is a sentient being, it is fair to abort it in its early stages and not treated as homicide. Furthermore, since it is not born yet, it does not possess human rights to life and thus its life should be decided by its mother. Furthermore, it is only fair that the mother has the right and option to decide what to do with her child since it is her flesh and blood. On the contrary, I believe a human life is determined at conception. Hence abortion equates to t he murder of any born human. Thus, it is only fair to grant an unborn an equal right to living as any born human.Additionally it is also fair to grant the baby the right to live as the baby is an innocent party that should not be dragged into abortion as a result of rape, incest, careless or irresponsible acts of humans. PERSONAL STAND In conclusion, multitudes have come to believe that they benefit from abortion. However, they had failed to realize that if a choice needs to be made, it should be done so before conception of the child. There is no real difference between killing a child before or after it is born. In the case of rape, it is true that the mother may not have come to terms ith carrying her pregnancy to term. However, it is important to adopt an objective view. An unborn should not be killed simply to alleviate the suffering of the mother. Moreover, if abortion is so easy attainable, how many would stop to think of the cruelty of taking away a life of an innocent? Now that legal abortion gives women a safeguard, more will turn to it. Since the Supreme Court handed down the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, there had been a 64% increase in the number of abortions in the United States. In addition, family values may be distorted in generations to come.By aborting her baby, the mother-to-be will lose part of her motherhood and respect. Legalizing abortion also makes it easier for one to overlook the negative consequences and take abortion for granted. Whereas, banning abortion allows people to think twice before acting and take responsibility for their actions. Therefore, I believe abortion should be banned. (1930 words) EXAMPLE 1 [pic] EXAMPLE 2 [pic] EXAMPLE 3 [pic] REFERENCES Josh Levinson. 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Thursday, August 15, 2019
Body and health
To know the right ways how to get a vital sign, body temperature, taking a pulse rate and first aid is also a big help, in case there is an emergency situation in the family or even outside that requires immediate medical attention especially in remote areas like in the Barings. In Nutrition Education, we learn what are the necessary foods and nutrients that our body needs in our daily lives to maintain a healthy body and meet its needs.That if we fail to provide what our body needs might cause some disorder or illness and if we take so much of it will also lead us to sickness. In this chapter I totally agree that we should take, Just the right amount of food and nutrient that our body need to stay healthy. In Family Planning and Birth Control, I agree that all should learn how to control a growing family especially In remote areas where people are not aware of this, because as we observe most of the big families' lives In remote areas, but they usually can't support their children n eeds.This will help also, for those couple who are not ready to have responsibilities of having children but doesn't know how to do the safe ways to prevent to get pregnant. I Just hope they add what will be the disadvantage and side effect of using contraceptive and birth control pills to the user body and If there is things that she need to do to avoid the bad side effect of this In her body, so she would be aware what would might happen If she did not follow the right ways using It. In Drug addiction and prevention, different yep of drugs and Its uses has a different effect on our body. Sing It without prescription from the doctor or using It for a wrong cause and ways would give a bad effect on our body and health. To know the types of drugs, Its uses, side effect and ways to prevent us to abuse drugs Is a great help to avoid drug addiction, Instead used drugs In right way and for the right cause. Therefore this guidelines and Information from this chapter Is very helpful to all of us If we Just follow and apply this In our lives we could have a healthy and peaceful life.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Christopher Nolan
No one has had as impressive of a career as Christopher Jonathan James Nolan. His films have earned $3. 3 billion at the global box office, and the total is still growing. This British/American screenwriter, director and producer’s most popular films include The Dark Knight (2008), Inception (2010) and The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Remarkably, many critics have lined up as well, embracing both Nolan’s more offbeat productions, like Memento (2000) and The Prestige (2006), and his blockbusters (Price and Dawson, 2009). Nolan is now routinely considered one of the most accomplished living filmmakers.This essay will analyze the types of techniques he has used to create heart-stopping films, and will more specifically look at his methods used in creating Insomnia (2002), his first studio film. I will also be analyzing the defaults in some of him major productions, and how his films can be improved. Despite his blockbuster hits, many critics fiercely dislike his work. They re gard it as intellectually shallow, dramatically clumsy, and technically unskilled (Price and Dawson, 2009). As far as I can tell, no popular filmmaker’s work of recent years has received such harsh criticism as Nolan has.People seem to disapprove of his continuity errors and patchy plots, but this severe attack on his films are probably due to his elevated reputation. Personally, I admire some of Nolan’s films and see him as an innovative filmmaker although critics sometimes believe his techniques are weak. His film history gives us an occasion to look at some issues about creativity and innovation in popular motion pictures. There are four main ways that a filmmaker can be innovative; by subject matter, themes, formal strategies and level of style (WordPress, 2011).Out of all four innovation techniques, Nolan seems to be lacking a level of style the most. This evidence can be found in Insomnia (2002), his first studio film; A Los Angeles detective and his partner come to an Alaskan town to investigate the murder of a teenage girl. While chasing a suspect in the fog, Dormer shoots his partner Hap and then lies about it, trying to pin the killing on the suspect. But the suspect who is a famous author who did kill the girl, knows what really happened. He pressures Dormer to cover for both of them by framing the girl’s boyfriend.Meanwhile, Dormer is undergoing scrutiny by Ellie, a young officer who idolizes him but who must investigate Hap’s death. And throughout it all, Dormer becomes bleary and disoriented because, the twenty-four-hour daylight won’t let him sleep. Nolan said at the time that what interested him in the script was the prospect of character subjectivity, â€Å"A big part of my interest in filmmaking is an interest in showing the audience a story through a character’s point of view. It’s interesting to try and do that and maintain a relatively natural look. This is because he wanted to keep the aud ience in Dormer’s head. Having already done that to an extent in Memento, he saw it as a logical way of presenting Dormer’s slow breakdown. But Nolan wanted to keep his work subjective and as a result chose to break up scenes with fragmentary flashes of the crime and of cluesâ€â€painted nails, a necklace. Early in the film, Dormer is studying Kay Connell’s corpse, and we get flashes of the murder and its aftermath, the killer sprucing up the corpse. At first it seems that Dormer feels what happened by noticing clues on Kay’s body.But the film’s credits started with similar glimpses of the killing, as if from the killer’s point of view, and there’s an ambiguity about whether the images later are Dormer’s imaginative reconstruction, or reminders of the killer’s visionâ€â€establishing that uneasy link of cop and crook. Similarly, sudden cutting is used to introduce images that get clarified in the course of the film . At the start, we see blood seeping through threads, and then shots of hands carefully depositing blood on a fabric. Then we see shots of Dormer flying in to the crime scene.We learn in the course of the film that these are flashbacks to Dormer’s framing of another suspect back in Los Angeles. Once again, these images are more or less subjective, and they echo the killer’s patient tidying up. Nolan’s style seems to tie into rapid cutting passages. For example, Insomnia has over 3400 shots in its 111 minutes, making the average shot just under two seconds long (WordPress). This type of fast editing can suit bursts of mental imagery, but makes the dialogue hard to understand.In the scene in which Dormer and Hap arrive at the Alaskan police station as an example of the over-busy tempo that can come along with a style based in â€Å"intensified continuity. †In a seventy-second scene, there are 39 shots, so the average is about 1. 8 secondsâ€â€a pace typ ical of the film and of the intensified approach generally (Ressner, 2012). Apart from one exterior long-shot of the police station and four inserts of hands, the characters’ interplay is captured almost entirely in singlesâ€â€that is, shots of only one actor.Out of the 34 shots of actors’ faces and upper bodies, 24 are singles (Ressner, 2012). Most of these serve to pick up individual lines of dialogue or characters’ reactions to other lines. Fast cutting scenes like this are not supposed to break up spatial orientation. In many of this movie’s scenes there are a couple of bumps in the eyeline-matching, but all in all the shot is continuous. As I watched the DVD commentary, Nolan explains that he tried to anchor the axis of action, around Dormer/Pacino, so the eyelines were consistent with his position.The scene’s development and the actors’ line readings are emphasized by the cutting. In contrast, the lighting and framing remain almost unchanged. The editing-driven approach to staging and shooting is clearly Nolan’s preference for many projects; he storyboards only the big action sequences. We can find this loose shooting and abrupt editing in most of Nolan’s films therefor they don’t seem to display innovative, or skilful visual style. I believe his chief areas of innovation are in theme and form. The thematic dimension is easy to see in his films.There’s the issue of uncertain identity, which becomes obvious in Memento and the Batman films. The lost-woman motif, from Leonard’s wife in Memento to Rachel in the two late Batman movies, gives Nolan’s films the recurring theme of vengeance. There is also the theme of the man doomed to solitude and unhappiness, always grieving. This obsessive circling around personal identity and the loss of a lover carries emotional conviction in most of Nolan’s current films and the success of these films owe a good deal to the perfo rmances of the actors such as Guy Pearce, Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, and Leonardo DiCaprio.It can be argued that these psychological themes aren’t very original, especially in mystery-based plots, but the Batman films offer something fresher. The Dark Knight trilogy has attracted attention for its search to find real world significance in comic-book material. Many have objected that Superman, who has the power to redirect rivers, prevent asteroid collisions, and expose political corruption, devotes too much of his time to thwarting bank robbers (Price and Dawson, 2009).Nolan and his colleagues have sought to reply to this cliche by adding in plots of heists, fights, chases, explosions, kidnappings, ticking bombs, and pistols with sociopolitical problems. The Dark Knight mainly raises ideas about terrorism, torture, surveillance, and the need to keep the public in the dark about its heroes. It is easy to see that Nolan and his colleagues are undoubtedly giving the superhero genre a new importance in the film industry. Nolan’s innovations seem strongest in the area of narrative form. He’s fascinated by unusual storytelling strategies.Those aren’t developed at full stretch in Insomnia or the Dark Knight trilogy, but other films put them on display. In the Batman trilogy, subjectivity is put on hold. Nolan’s first two films reconcile subjectivity in more unusual ways; instead of expanding our range of knowledge to many characters, nearly the whole film is confined to what happens to one protagonist. Likewise, Memento confines us to a single protagonist and skips between his memories and immediate experiences; one series of incidents is presented as moving chronologically while another is presented in reverse order.While ambitious filmmakers are competing to create cliche narratives and complex films, Nolan raises the stakes by bringing breath-taking cinematic storytelling to life. His movies, unlike any other living filmmaker, are motivated through dreams and modernized with a blend of science fiction, fantasy and action pictures. Above all, the dream motivation allowed him to create unforgettable stories that are now embedded in the minds of millions of viewers.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Kings Hard work To Attain Civil Rights Research Paper
Kings Hard work To Attain Civil Rights - Research Paper Example Martin Luther King Jr. is the most important single Civil Rights Movement Activists because of his leadership qualities, activities to attain civil rights and attainments. Leadership Qualities Of Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an exemplary leader of the Civil Rights Movement. During his life, he exhibited five important leadership qualities including faith, honesty, strong cognitive ability, high self-confidence, willpower and social acceptability (Chumach 1). This section will include the summary of the entire research paper including the leadership qualities, the hard work and the attainments of Martin Luther King Jr. Retribution needs to be handed down by the law enforcement agents, who are described as being blandly dispassionate as they inescapable. In some instances, their energy is usually misdirected like the park ranger who denied accessibility to the ginseng plants.
Criminal treatment Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Criminal treatment - Annotated Bibliography Example Considered the factors of age, sexuality and gender in the examination of crime, in conjunction with the issue being examined in the traditional class-based approach. The authors discussed topics ranging from criminology and the study of class, race, gender; victimology and the patterns of victimization; and criminal prosecution, among others. The book is comprehensive and relevant given the most recent information contained with the authors being professors of criminology and sociology. The contents and information in the book is highly relevant in the current research and are intended for various audiences ranging from students, practioners, researches and lawmakers, as deemed necessary. Byrne, James M and Faye S. Taxman. "Crime Control Strategies and Community Change – Reframing the Surveillance vs. Treatment Debate." Federal Probation (2006): Volume 70, Number 1, 3 - 12. Examined and discussed David Farabee’s contention that argued the ‘liberal’ treatment offender strategies in terms of their ability treat offenders by proposing an alternative offender change strategy. The authors, Byrne and Taxman, are both professors in the fields of criminal justice, and government and public policy, respectively; with the article being written fairly currently in perspective, thereby increasing the credibility and validity of the discourse. The intended audiences for the article are students and practitioners of criminal justice, who would benefit from the recommended change strategy encompassing both institution-based and community
Monday, August 12, 2019
The love canal case Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The love canal case - Article Example By going through the case, under-examination, the first questions appears how the situation appeared at the first place. Since, toxic wastes had been buried in the trench, once specified for the canal by William J. Love, the Board and Education and the land developers must have not constructed anything on it, as their act not only destroyed the entire region, but also put hundreds of precious lives in grave jeopardy. Secondly, the governmental agencies also appear to be responsible for demolishing of houses, schools and other places built on the trench carrying fatal waste. Had they not allowed construction of the buildings at there, the area would have not witnessed spread of cancer and other diseases, along with occurrence of abnormal births in that region (Business Week, 32). Thus, the main problem is the (mis)appropriate allocation and use of the land without cleansing it for residential, educational and commercial purposes. However, since Occidental Petroleum Company had informe d about the presence of heavy toxic wastes buried while selling the land to the Niagara Falls Board of Education, in the wake of the latter’s threatening behavior, the Company did not have any responsibilities for the losses in men and material to be occurred for the future years to come. On the contrary, the Board of Education, land developers and governmental agencies are liable for the losses took place in the form of seepage and leakage of the toxic wastes. Thus, the loyalties certainly go to the Occidental Company, and the poor masses due to the very fact that the former agreed to pay heavy ransom for the loss it did not have any involvement or intention to get involved, while the latter suffered in the form of experiencing seepage, breakout of diseases, and demolishing of their residences and workplaces at large (Business Week, 33). Another important issue, appeared while
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Brand Society of Tesco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Brand Society of Tesco - Essay Example While the proposed strategy of differentiation of the company products is in line with the company products and service delivery, it is still advisable that the management devises other ways to bust the delivery of the product. The company should also try to retain its current strengths like provision of products at customer doorsteps while trying to eliminate the weaknesses that have drugged the progress of the company. Intensive promotion and marketing strategies will also support the branding strategy in the penetration of the product into the consumers (Anholt, 2007). The strength of Tesco Corporation of quality delivery of its products has facilitated efficient operations of the company. Tesco apart from better business management practices also offers itself to dedicated corporate social responsibility as a way of keeping in touch with the local community. This has acted as a differentiation strategy that identifies it among its competitors like DHL and others. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Branding is an integrative aspect of an organizational identity that got its very long time ago, about 1200’s. ...  This has been propagated by the fact that at the time technology was at its lowest and people had to use much energy and effort to arrive at minimal results. Branding improved with industrial revolution and improvements in technology up to the moment that it is at its pick and as well used to define the success of any organization in terms of turnover and even performance. Many organizations have given branding an edge having even above advertisement since branding itself is an advertisement (Hatch, 1997). This has been arrived at after extensive research and finding that the resources that could be used in advertising could be used in making a brand and employing brand strategies to realize results which if not more than the same as those which would have been derived from advertisements. A brand is a name that distinctly defines one product from the rest of almost the same kinds to fuel and propagate the sales of such products or services. The brand has several elements, which would include logos, signs, colors, symbols, or even names. All these elements combined in various mixes results in various strong brands. Brands exist as both global versus local brands. Global brands are those that are designed to reflect the same features and characteristics of the organization worldwide, global brands move around the world like crossfire intertwining the relationship between the organization and its customers and even other customers. This is positive for the development of the product in terms of sales and liking.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
High Profile Interest Group influence on legislation Essay
High Profile Interest Group influence on legislation - Essay Example Citizen interest groups, on the other hand, with their considerable organizational resources and wide base of support have shown their effectiveness over time in passing new laws by the use of direct legislation (Baumgartner & Hojnacki, 2009). In the United States, for example, alcohol and tobacco companies have been lobbying against the legalization and taxation of marijuana. This is in a bid to ensure that they make the most out of the American population’s high spending on leisure. This paper will discuss how one such high profile interest group, the California Beer & Beverage Distributors has influence legislation and also include the writer’s thoughts and opinion. Interest groups are a significant mechanism for citizens and economic organizations to make elected leaders know their views, needs and ideas so that they can influence the process of making legislation in their favour (Hays, 2001). The California Beer & Beverage Distributors (CBBD) opened up a new front in the campaign of what was referred to as Proposition 19 when it contributed $10,000 to a committee, Public Safety first, that was in opposition to the proposition. The proposition aimed at legalizing and subsequent taxing of controlled marijuana. Since CBBD is a organization in an industry that would have to compete with legal marijuana, it was protecting the interests of its members by lobbying against the legalization. Illicit drugs have been a threat to the alcohol and tobacco industries for a long time, hence the participation of CBBD in opposing the proposal. If marijuana is made legal for recreational purposes, then that would make the threat much bigger. Looking at the situ ation from this perspective, my opinion is that CBBD did not join the campaign solely, or with focus on, the safety of the public that would be compromised by marijuana. On the contrary, when the
Friday, August 9, 2019
Finance and risk management,Shipping finance Essay - 1
Finance and risk management,Shipping finance - Essay Example Financing the ship industry has always evolved with the prevailing market conditions. More investment has always been required in the industry above the owner’s potential to finance hence the need for banks. The industry has its strengths and weaknesses, there have been opportunities, and it has also seen threats. This paper examines the relationship between shipping financing and shipping markets, the major sources of capital available in the shipping industry, the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in the industry. The shipping industry represents a substantial percentage of the world trade. The industry is one of the most effective forms of transport and the costs are relatively low. It costs 11 percent and 20 percent of the transportation cost on roads and rails respectively. If the business is doing well it can have a high capital return of about 25 percent per annum ( Nizam and Ghanem 15). Shipping industry is also a dynamic industry; there is continual investment in research and development of new technology. This contributes to the global technological growth. This industry is cyclical and relies on the changes of the global market. This makes the industry to be uncertain. The industry also experiences a shortage of skilled labour and management because there are few people who are professionals in this field. The image of this industry is poor; people tend to perceive the industry to be archaic and therefore outdated. Vessels also cause pollution of the environment through emission of CO2 and noise. There are initiatives to make ships more environmentally friendly. This will make ships more acceptable. There is also a long term plan to recruit, educate, and train skilled seafarers. This will close the gap pertaining to lack of skilled labour. There is an initiative to improve propulsion technology of ships through building bigger ships, nuclear powered ships,
Thursday, August 8, 2019
The 60s and American Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The 60s and American Society - Research Paper Example As the current Vice President to outgoing President Dwight Eisenhower, Nixon would have gained some sense of what the job would entail and would wish to have the office for him, so that he would be able to enact his own vision for the American people moving forward. As the young Senator from Massachusetts and a member of one of the more prominent families in the United States at the time, John Kennedy would ultimately be guided by a desire for public service and a quest to help the average American. This would prove to be a crucial election for many reasons, some yet to be seen at this point in time. The ultimate outcome would see Kennedy overcome the opposition from Richard Nixon and be able to move on to the White House in January 1961. Each political party would profess views for the betterment of the American public and the national ideals, with each differing in points and desired execution. With regard to the Republican Party, "Through the 1960s the emergent conservative wing, first witnessed in Barry Goldwater's 1964 candidacy, began to push out liberal Republicans," ("Profile", p.1). A political group that would, in many ways, wish to define themselves as a party that sought to protect conservative values and ideals. Thus, the Republicans would ultimately find themselves becoming a political party that would wish for such things as lower taxes and higher national defense. With regard to the Democrats, "In the 1960s, President John F. Kennedy challenged an optimistic nation to build on its great history. Kennedy proclaimed a New Frontier and dared Americans to put a man on the moon, created the Peace Corps, and negotiated a treaty banning atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons," ("The Democratic", p.1). Both p olitical parties, through their public assertions and general action taken, would claim to be the party of the average citizen. With every Presidency, events transpire that can not only shape the public itself but also, influence the trajectory of the President's administration. Impact the very decisions made by the chief executive, as they wish to serve the public for whom they were elected by, in such a manner that stays within the realm of the power of their office. For John Kennedy, two of the key events that would occur during the period of his administration, would be the Bay of Pigs in 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. Events that would involve the island of Cuba but despite that, would bring about differing circumstances that would force the young President to act and to act quickly, so that the world would be safe from eminent danger. With its entrance early on in Kennedy's presidency, the Bay of Pigs would be one of many attempts made by the intelligence community, as they sought to invade the island of Cuba and ideally, remove the dictator in power. Subsequent events that would transpire, would ultimately lead to the declaration of the invasion being seen as a failure and as such, something that would be seen as a humiliation for the President. In the aftermath of the invasion, Kennedy would take what he learned and utilize it in future circumstances, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 that would find the American people pitted again the Soviet Union, with the island of Cuba being in the middle of this scenario. With the missile
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