Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Pledge of Allegiance in the Public School System
The Pledge of Allegiance in the Public School System The Pledge of Allegiance has become a major issue for students, teachers, parents and lawmakers. The original intention of the pledge was not to stir up trouble, but for a celebration of Christopher Columbus discovery of the new world. The pledge is no longer thought of as a celebration, but an infringement on childrens religious beliefs. Do you believe that childrens rights are being infringed on? Some people believe that the pledge is a great honor for our country. It has shown, and provided us with great pride just like our American flag. The Pledge of Allegiance being recited in the public school system does not infringe on the students religious beliefs, but is a way for us to†¦show more content†¦Newdow has stated that by his daughters classroom reciting the pledge it has harmed and damaged her. He also says that he does not believe in God and he feels that his daughter should not be made to recite it. The thing is N ewdows daughter can not be made to recite the Pledge of Allegiance because according to the law she cannot be made to do so. In my opinion if Mr. Michael Newdow has a problem with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance her can remove her from school and home school his daughter? Instead Newdow is trying to make a movement to change the pledge even though it has been around for several years. Some believe that two little words push any type of religion onto someone. Knowing that everyone believes acts or will do what they want to in this lifetime that is why we have our First Amendment Rights. The First Amendment to the Constitution reads like this, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Pledge of Allegiance 6 So my question is simple, if the First Amendment state that no laws shall be passed for religion, then why is it that people are upset about the Pledge of Allegiance? Looking into the laws no where does it state that youShow MoreRelatedThe Reflection Of Francis Bellamys Pledge Of Allegiance1092 Words  | 5 PagesIn the early year of 1893, Francis Bellamy beautifully crafted a pledge that will be twisted over years of alteration, creating a constrained symbol of national bond submersed in religious controversy. The original text of Francis Bellamy’s Pledge of Allegiance was recited with a salute as, â€Å"I pledge allegiance to my flag and the Republic for which it stands-one nation, indivisible-with liberty and justice for all.†Reading this text, one may notice a lack of a well known excerpt; â€Å"under God.†PeopleRead MoreThe Pledge Of Allegiance, A Common Topic Within The Educational System1675 Words  | 7 PagesIssue The Pledge of Allegiance is a common topic within the educational system. Reciting the pledge was a common place in most schools across America, typically following roll call.The Pledge of Allegiance is so ingrained in many Americans minds that reciting it is like taking a breath, comes natural. Even though most citizens have the pledge memorized, many students do not know the real reason behind narrating this word of honor every morning. The primary goal behind reciting the Pledge of AllegianceRead MoreGraduation Speech : The Pledge Of Allegiance1715 Words  | 7 PagesChildren have been reciting The Pledge of Allegiance for over sixty years. It was common practice to recite The Pledge of Allegiance every morning in the classroom while standing and raising your right hand to your heart. Now, Americans are questioning the reasoning and purpose behind reciting The Pledge, especially since students are being asked to mention God each time they recite it. This paper will focus on school-aged children. Because of the lack of patriotism in Atheists and the infringementRead More God Should Remain in the Pledge of Allegiance Essay1145 Words  | 5 PagesGod Should Remain in the Pledge of Allegiance One of the most controversial issues, if â€Å"Under God†should remain in the pledge, and if children should be required to say it, went to court a few weeks ago. The argument was brought to court by Michael Newdow, the father to the girl on whose behalf the lawsuit was brought forward. Newdow argued in court and on many different public speaking occasions that knowing his child is being led to say â€Å"One nation under God†on a daily basis makes him feelRead MoreSeparation Between Religion And Schools875 Words  | 4 PagesBack in grade school, the day was started every morning with little hands over little hearts as the pledge of allegiance was recited by a bunch of little voices. There was a time where â€Å"Under God†was just as fluent to a child as saying â€Å"Can I have†¦Ã¢â‚¬ while in a store or â€Å"I don’t want to†when asked to clean their room. Every attempt at removing the reference to God within the pledge of allegiance has failed so far but some schools have made changes accordingly without the laws changing. However,Read MoreReligions Place in Education Essay1325 Words  | 6 Pagesthat involve the issues between religion and government state laws and regulations. As of today religion is still a very emotional issue between Christian churches and schools. Issues such as prayer in school, reciting the pledge of allegiance (under God), teaching the Ten Commandments or evolution, are prohibited in public schools today. Educational administrators must be aware of these issues and the laws that must be adherent to. Religious Issues The Constitution made no reference to religiousRead MorePrayer in School Essay example1375 Words  | 6 PagesEven though public schools today are without school prayer, most schools have replaced prayer, with a Silent moment of reflection. Also, the assumption if there is a God or not is a big question as well. I think prayer should be re-instated into schools, because children should be able to express religion freely. I also feel that lack of discipline; youth pregnancy, dropouts, and violence in schools are other issues that can be more controllable if there were religious classes and school prayer. Read MoreWhy Religion Should Be Kept Out of Sublic Schools1334 Words  | 6 PagesAllowed In Public Schools The question of religion in public schools goes all the back to 1948, where a case in Champlain, Illinois was heard regarding a sectarian group that would go into schools 30 mins. a day to preach to students about religion. The court found it was unconstitutional due to the first Amendment (Mead, Green, and Oluwule). These practices still continue today with various religious groups taking stronger and more creative ways to infiltrate the public school systems of AmericaRead MoreThe Pledge Of Allegiance Of The United States1152 Words  | 5 PagesThe Pledge of Allegiance of the United States can be analyzed from two general perspectives: that of the speaker and that of the author. The first perspective is more familiar, especially to those who went through the American public education system. This is the perspective of the physical speaker, who delivers the pledge to the United States Flag, which is the audience. Typically, this speaker is a child in a school but it could also be a government official in a government meeting, among otherRead More Terrorism, Patriotism and the Farce of the Pledge of Allegiance1179 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Farce of the Pledge of Allegiance nbsp; It is unfortunate that the terrorists did not attack and destroy the Pledge of Allegiance instead of the World Trade Center.nbsp; But politicians and zealots have perverted patriotism to include a blind veneration of the United States based on an oversimplified conception that disregards current laws and social customs, a perversion evident in the idolatry performed regularly by most American citizens during the Pledge of Allegiance. nbsp; When
Monday, December 23, 2019
Love And The Beauty Of Summer By William Shakespeare
In â€Å"Shall I compare Thee to A Summer’s Day†, William Shakespeare compares his love interest to the beauty of summer. â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day†, is a Shakespearean Sonnet. The poem is written in iambic pentameter, a rhyme scheme where each line consists of ten syllables that are divided into five pairs called iambs. An iamb is a metrical unit made up of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable. Common in many of Shakespeare’s poems, the iambic pentameter gives the poem its consistent drum-like beat. This consistent rhythm is able to add to the sonnet because it gives the poem a personal touch. Because of the iambic pentameter the poem is always read or performed to the reader’s heartbeat adding more romance to what was already a very romantic poem. This piece of poetry consists of three quatrains followed by one couplet. Each Quatrain has it’s own ABAB rhyme scheme, and the sonnet finishes with a couplet consisting of an an AA rhyme scheme. Because each quatrain has its own variant of the ABAB rhyme scheme, helps divide the poem into readable chunks. Since the sonnet is one massive stanza, this makes the poem easier to read because it allows you to stop and comprehend each quatrain. The poem begins in a stately and matter of fact tone, but the tone shifts to an endearing tone of praise midway. Shakespeare says, â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day†(1). When Shakespeare says this, he is not only setting the theme, but also setting theShow MoreRelatedDifferent Versions Of Shall I Compare Thee And A Summer s Day?967 Words  | 4 PagesTwo Versions of Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? William Shakespeare was the original author of the famous sonnet â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?†. Shakespeare’s intentions for writing this poem was to compare his beloved to a Summer’s Day. Shakespeare wrote and published this original version of Sonnet 18 in 1609, but was rewritten in the early 1900’s by Howard Moss. Shakespeare s sonnets were published only once in his lifetime. For nearly two centuries after their first appearanceRead MoreEssay about William Shakespeares Sonnet 18924 Words  | 4 Pages Keeping love alive is not easy. One knows that life eventually comes to an end, but does love? Time passes and days must end. It is in Sonnet 18, by Shakespeare, that we see a challenge to the idea that love is finite. Shakespeare shows us how some love is eternal and will live on forever in comparison to a beautiful summers day. Shakespeare has a way of keeping love alive in Sonnet 18, and he uses a variety of techniques to demonstrate how love is more brilliant and everlasting than a summersRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser771 Words  | 4 Pagesworks of William Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser it is clear that some similarities are apparent, however the two poets encompass different writing styles, as well as different topics that relate to each other in their own unique ways. In Shakespeare’s â€Å"Sonnet 18†and Spenser’s â€Å"Sonnet 75†, both poets speak of love in terms of feelings and actions by using different expressive views, all owing the similar topics to contain clear distinctions. Although Edmund Spenser’s â€Å"Sonnet 75†and William Shakespeare’sRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 181231 Words  | 5 Pagesconveying the most famous of love poems; they consist of three quatrains that are written in iambic pentameter. Shakespeare deviates from the regular iamb pattern of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable to represent the effect of time and how it is limited by mortality. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 illustrates the theme of immortalization and how Shakespeare eternally captures his love for poetry. It is in his ability to immortalize his love for poetry in order to appealRead MoreEssay on Sonnet 18513 Words  | 3 Pagesthese feelings in a reader but William Shakespeare? His various plays keep us entranced and curious but it is his poetry that strikes a chord deep within us. Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare is particularly powerful. He writ es about a love that cannot be compared to anything in the world because of his deep infatuation. Shakespeare wrote his sonnet when he was deeply in love with a woman. He starts off his sonnet by implanting an image in our head of a summer day. A summer day triggers a scene that flashesRead MoreEssay on The Life of William Shakespeare1042 Words  | 5 PagesLife of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is one of the most identifiable icons of England. Shakespeare was one of the greatest and most influential playwright and poet during his lifetime. He is known as the greatest dramatist of all time due to his many poems and plays, such as â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee To A Summers Day?†and Romeo and Juliet. However, despite being so well known in the world of literature, there is not much known about the childhood of William Shakespeare. William ShakespeareRead MoreSonnet 18 By William Shakespeare898 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"SONNET 18†BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE William Shakespeare wrote Sonnet 18 as part of a sequence of 154 sonnets. Also known as â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee?†Sonnet 18 has become one of his most well loved poems. Shakespeare includes symbols of time, decay and eternity within this work. The speaker explicates his unending love for his beloved and how it will live on after death. The first quatrain introduces the personification of summer. The speaker begins the sonnet by asking if he can compare his friendRead MoreShakespeare s Sonnets Of 14 Lines1542 Words  | 7 Pagessyllable followed by a stressed syllable, with three quatrains and rhymed couplet scheme of abab cdcd efef gg. Often the beginning of the third quatrain marks the line in which the mood turns, and the poet expresses a revelation or epiphany. Shakespeare in his unique way, wrote Sonnet 99 with fifteen lines, Sonnet 126 has six couplets and two blank lines marked with italic brackets, Sonnet 145 is written in iambic tetrameters, and in Sonnet 29 the normal rhyme scheme is changed by repeating theRead MoreLove in Shakespeares Sonnets 18 and 130 Essay703 Words  | 3 PagesAlmost four hundred years after his death, William Shakespeares work continues to live on through his readers. He provides them with vivid images of what love was like during the 1600s. Shakespeare put virtually indescribable feelings into beautiful words that fit the specific fo rm of the sonnet. He wrote 154 sonnets; all of which discuss some stage or feature of love. Love was the common theme during the time Shakespeare was writing. However, Shakespeare wrote about it in such a way that captivatedRead MoreShakespeare Sonnet 18 Comparison993 Words  | 4 Pagespaper we will be analyzing and comparing some of Shakespeare’s famously known sonnets. William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor. He was widely referenced as the greatest English writer. I will start this paper giving you a brief summary of each sonnet individually, secondly I will then compare the sonnets drawing in on their similarities, and third I will then draw in on their differences. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 I would say is his best known and famous sonnets. It’s probably
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Policy in Theory and Practice Free Essays
What is the social administrative tradition? Social administration developed when the welfare state was undergoing a period of growth, when there was a high level of optimism about its potential achievements and a high degree of consensus about the fundamentals such as Education, the National Health Services, and public housing. Social administration was concerned with social needs and problems, and with the response to the problems; social policy. It became regarded as the natural provider of welfare, apparently at the expense of others. We will write a custom essay sample on Policy in Theory and Practice or any similar topic only for you Order Now Social administration is linked to the growth and development of welfare services, which have existed since the turn of the century, but were expanded and consolidated in the 1940s. It adopts a rational approach to solving social problems, which are often thought of as having an objective existence. Social services provided by the state were viewed as the proper method for causing progressive change. Fabianism was a movement designed to promote democratic socialism. The impact of Fabianism, as a coherent set of ideas, held that socialism in Britain was well-matched with the institutions of state and should, therefore, be implemented through a parliamentary system. Supporters of Fabianism wanted to utilise academic knowledge on social problems to create pressure on the state to research and conduct in-depth analysis in order to influence welfare reforms. The ideological and empirical alliances with Fabianism were associated with a concern regarding policy action; specifically what is done by policy action and how it is done, rather than why this is done. Two hugely prominent members of the Fabian Society were Sydney and Beatrice Webb. This couple believed that collective provision for welfare through the state was essential in order to develop a British capitalist society. Social policy in Britain became more concerned with the practical issues of education for experimental research on recognized problems – social administration tradition. During the decades of the 1960’s and 1970’s the view of Social administration as social policy became discredited, and since then a more holistic approach to social policy developed. What is meant by liberal welfarism? Liberalism welfarism is about protection of the individual in terms of freedom, markets and kind limits the state. Welfare in liberal philosophy is not something that is provided but something that is achieved and developed through the free and independent actions of a free will. The welfare of each individual promotes the well-being of the entire society by increasing the sum total of freedom in which its members live. Liberalism promotes equality of opportunities that is rooted in an inequality of outcomes. Freedom is intrinsically linked to responsibility, so as the state takes over in the role of providing welfare for the population a diminished freedom also means diminished individual responsibility. This is damaging to society, and in order to minimise the damage the state must take a less central role. It was thought that the state should refrain from interfering in economic processes such as income policies, laws regarding minimum wage and employment protection legislation, w hich in turn would decrease the role of trade unions in economic and political life. This forms the foundation for a legal background which enables individual freedom along with economic prosperity, and has been of great influence in economic, political and social welfare. The economic policy of laissez-faire was an attitude in which the government refused to interfere. This eventually began to give way to a new collective ideal called new-liberalism, which imagined the state playing a positive in the enhancement of social problems. New liberalism led to a transformation in the nature of and relations between the state and the market. Explain the parliamentary policy-making process. Within the parameters of British state, the central state may be considered to be crucial as it is where many decisions are made. Constitutionally Britain operates a tripartite division of powers between the legislature, the judiciary and the executive. Crucial to this is the role of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, which are pivotal in the making of policy. The job of the legislature is to debate and consider the introduction of new laws. Members of parliament exercise the power through the system of Parliamentary committees, where they are able to question Ministers and senior Civil Servants. New legislation passes through the laborious process of First, Second and Third Readings in the House of Commons, interspersed with detailed discussion of a Bill’s content at the Committee stage. A Bill will then receive consideration from the House of Lords, and during this process the MP’s and Lords from the government and the opposition have the opportunity to question and debate the principles and provisions of new legislation, and to suggest amendments. Finally a Bill receives Royal Assent and passes into law as an Act of Parliament. Detail the New Right critique of the welfare state. During the 1970’s both the Conservative and Labour Party attempted to halt the apparent economic decline, yet neither were successful. Both parties experiences an increase of radical activity in the far wings of the party. The ‘New Right’ formed as a branch of the Conservative Party, campaigning for a break from the previous reliance on Keynesianism as part of economic and social policy.From 1979-1997, Britain was governed by a Conservative Party that was under Thatcher’s leadership and was inspired by the New Right, and was rooted in economic liberalism combined with social conservatism. According to the work of the theorist Friedman Britain began to build up a neo-liberal analysis of state welfare during this time. His main argument was that public expenditure was being driven up by the increase of state intervention within welfare services. This interfered with the operation of the market economy. The New Right arguing that free welfare services only encouraged useless people to become dependent upon benefits and provided no incentive for families to protect themselves and their welfares through savings. The Conservatives tried to shift the costs of welfare through changes in taxation and the benefits system, burdening the poor and disadvantaged, and this served only to increase the amount of citizens who were in need of state support. This was further intensified by policies that sought to achieve wage discipline through mass unemployment. Neo-liberals wanted to roll back the state and reduce the role of the government, with the aim to restoring Britain’s international competitiveness. Welfare benefits were seen as detrimental to labour market flexibility, as they kept up wages. Bibliography Alcock, C, Payne,S, Sullivan, M, 2004, Introducing Social Policy, Essex, Pearson. Baldock, N, et al, 2012, Social Policy, 4edt, Oxford, Oxford University Express. Loney, M, Boswell, D, Clarke,J, 1988, Social Policy Social Welfare, Milton Keynes, Open University. How to cite Policy in Theory and Practice, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Authentic Leadership
Question: Describe about the Authentic Leadership? Answer: A good leadership is critical to the success of any organization, including the health care organization. It involves the leaders who are able to instil the feelings of trust and honesty in their followers and thus, follow an approach of authentic leadership. This approach to leadership emphasizes on the building of honest relationships with their followers and is based on the foundation of ethics. These leaders are positive people who promote openness and generate support and trust in order to improve the performance of their team and that of an individual. These leaders evolve and learn from their experiences and self-exploration and aim for long-term results rather than on short-term outcomes (Gardner, Cogliser, Davis Dickens, 2011). However, this is not an idealistic case and it is wrong to make any kind of assumptions that all of the leaders strive to follow authentic leadership. This is because there are times when many are flawed, deceitful, and greedy and behave cowardly. There are leaders who just espouse one message in front of their followers and then all of a sudden behave in an entirely different manner. Like for instance, a leader who is nationally and internationally recognized but has lost his follower because of certain personally stated convictions that do not match or are inconsistent with their actions. Other examples could be of a political figure or a religious leader who on one side preaches morality but on the other side is involved in a scandal or has an extramarital affair. This affects a leaders ability to be an effective leader and changes the way and perception of several followers who personally felt about that authentic leader. Such leaders who lost their authenticity find it difficult to regain the trust of their followers again (Day, 2000). This is because the development of authentic or congruent leadership is a complex process which involves establishing open, transparent, genuine and trusting relationships with the followers and building trust again is not easy and takes time. References Day, D. (2000). Leadership development: A review in context. The Leadership Quarterly, 11, 581613. Gardner, W.L., Cogliser, C.C., Davis, K.M., Dickens, M.P. (2011). Authentic leadership: A review of the literature and research agenda.Leadership Quarterly, 22, 1120-1145.
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