Saturday, February 15, 2020
I Am the Good Shepherd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
I Am the Good Shepherd - Essay Example In response Jesus passed judgment on the Pharisees and on the temple itself. Later Jesus and his disciples see a man who was blind from birth. When the disciples asked Jesus if it was the sins of this man or his parents that made this man blind, Jesus responded by saying that neither of this was the case and that this man was born blind so that God’s works might be displayed in him (Jn 9:3). Jesus then restores the sight of this man, thereby giving a sign that bears witness to his claim of being the light of the world. This sign pointed to something beyond itself to reveal who and what Jesus was and what he habitually did (Morris 1989). The Pharisees however condemn this act and state that this man was born in sin (Jn 9:34) which was in complete opposition to what Jesus had said that neither this man nor his parents sinned. They continued to question the man who was healed from his blindness about the manner in which Jesus healed him and tried to disprove that Jesus was sent f rom God. The Pharisees then threw out the blind man from the temple whom Christ had healed (Jn 9:34). Hearing about these discussions Jesus condemns the Pharisees and accused them of being spiritually blind – a condition that is far worse than being physically blind. In John 10 Jesus puts the events of John 9 into perspective by stating that He is the good shepherd who is willing to lay down his life for His sheep. Jesus calls himself as the good shepherd who operates with love and compassion to meet the needs of people and contrasts it with the Pharisees whom he identifies as the evil shepherds who have consistently worked to scatter the sheep of God by their rigid religious rules and regulations, preventing people from encountering the love of God. Jesus separates himself from religious teachers as he invites people to enter into a deep personal relationship with Him as the chief shepherd who takes care of their needs and lays down His life for their eternal salvation (Whit acre 1999) In John 10, Jesus portrays a scene from the village where shepherds take care of their sheep to illustrate the relationship He has with His children. The shepherd has a distinct voice and calls each sheep by its name, which the sheep are familiar with. On hearing this call the sheep can easily separate themselves from the rest of the flocks and follow their shepherd. The sheep respond only to the voice of their shepherd who typically walks ahead of the flock, guiding them to green pastures and protecting them from any possible danger. Jesus says that He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him (Jn 10:14). He also contrasts the good shepherd who promises a life of abundance with the thieves and robbers who are out to steal, kill and destroy the sheep (Jn 10:7). He goes on to contrast the good shepherd who will risk his life to protect his sheep with a hired man who would leave the sheep behind and run away when a wolf comes to attack because he does not care about them (Jn 1 0:12-13). In the Old Testament, leaders like Moses and David were often referred to as shepherds. Ps 77:20 records that â€Å"you led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron†. Again, in Ps 78:70-72 and Ez 34: 23 David is referred to as a shepherd who tended the people of Israel with integrity of heart and skillful hands. Ps 23 is one of the well known scriptures in the entire Bible which portrays the image of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Certificate training and assesment tafe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Certificate training and assesment tafe - Essay Example Questions RESULTS Assessor to complete shaded areas: S NYS Questions relevant to all TAE40110 design field units 1. In your own words explain what Vocational Education and Training (VET) is and describe its key features. Explain key principles of how competency-based training and assessment (CBT/A) works. 1. Answer: Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a higher educational training delivered by further institutions, which provides people with occupational or work related knowledge and skills that is however not a degree or higher level programs. The three (3) features of the training program is that it industry led, national and client focused. By industry led, it means the program is focused on employers and people who are already in industry work. For this reason, the whole program is defined by representatives in the industry. This means that the program may serve as an in-service training, career enhancement program or career option for people who will want to switch their careers. By national, it means the program is government accredited and so it is carried out throughout the entire Australia. It is not only accredited by government but also managed by the state or government. The program is client focused because it serves the immediate needs of clients as long their job demands are concerned. The program is conducted in a flexible manner that meets the working needs of clients. This means that it considers the working conditions of workers so that training programs are not fixed at times that will ne inconvenient to clients who may be working already. The key principles on which the CBT/A works is includes the fact that i. The program focuses on what a person can do not how they learn to do it: This means that the primary aim of the program is to see a client who completes the course with an ability to undertake a certain competency without necessarily judging the way by which the person acquired those competencies. This brings to the fore, the i ssues of flexibility in training acquisition. The format for training is so flexible that a client may choose whatever learning strategy that works will for him. As far as organisers are concerned, the end justifies the means and that end should be the acquisition of a competency level. ii. Criteria-reference assessment: This principle talks about the uniformity in the assessment procedure for the program. Competency-based assessment focuses on giving all participants assessment based on criteria outlined by the relevant competency standards. iii. Recognition assessment: This is to say that the program recognises prior learning experiences and current competency of candidates and assesses them based on these current competencies. The program therefore places premium on prospective candidates with previous experiences and encourages that. iv. Flexible and personalised delivery: The program focuses on the relevancy for the client. It aims at meeting the employability needs of the clie nts. The program is also delivered to meet the occupational needs of clients. The assessment process also reflects the needs of the clients. It is therefore not surprising that two different RTOs will undertake the same course for different client groups and the assessments for the two groups will be different. v. Immediate application: Accessibility to application is easy and they are based only on skills needed by
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